Authentic Hermès products such as handbags, luggage, and accessories. Discover the exclusive offers from Hermès at I Love Handbags.
Hermès Bride-a-Brac GM Naturel
720,00 €
Our products are shipped with adequate insurance within 1 to 2 business days. As soon as we have shipped your order, we will send you the shipping confirmation with your tracking number, which you can use to track your package. If you ordered from abroad, please note that the shipping time depends on the destination country and the shipping partner. Our shipping costs also include the costs for packaging and depend on the destination country and the purchase value.
Country / Region | Purchase value | Shipping costs | Shipping | Shipping time |
Germany | Small Goods* | 3,50 Euro | German Post | 1-2 workdays |
Germany | up to 500 Euro | 6,50 Euro | DHL | 1-2 workdays |
Germany | over 500 euro | free of charge | DHL | 1-2 workdays |
Europe | up to 500 Euro | 15 Euro | DHL / UPS | 3-5 Business Days |
Europe | Until 2500 Euro | 35 Euro | DHL / UPS | 3-5 Business Days |
Europe | over 2500 Euro | 50 Euro | DHL / UPS | 3-5 Business Days |
*Selected products from the category Shoulder Straps
If you live outside Europe or want express shipping, please contact us in advance. For deliveries to countries outside the EU, additional costs such as import duties, etc. may apply. These costs are to be borne by you as the buyer.