Sell with us
We specialize in purchasing handbags and matching accessories from Louis Vuitton, Chanel, and Dior.
If you want to sell a designer handbag or accessories, you’ve come to the right place. We offer a simple and straightforward selling process, offering fair prices for your handbag. We are looking for handbags and accessories in various conditions, from new, unused pieces to used bags with slight signs of wear. We make bags and accessories on consignment. For selected bags and accessories we offer the possibility of direct purchase.
Purchase sequence
Purchase request
Please fill out our purchase form and upload a few photos of your product. Please make sure that photos show the most important parts and are not blurry. If you have any questions, contact us beforehand.
Our offer
After you send us your request, we will review it and send you a quote within 1 to 2 business days.
If you want to accept our offer, we will send you a free shipping label. Upon receipt of your shipment, our team of experts carefully inspects each piece for authenticity and condition. If there are any discrepancies, we will contact you.
After your goods have been checked and they correspond to the described condition, we will pay you the purchase amount within 2 to 4 business days. If we have agreed on a commission, the payment will be made within 14 days after the sale.
Our fees
For a consignment transaction, our fees per item are as follows:
– 35 % up to a sales price of € 1,500
– 30 % for a sales price from € 1,501 to € 3,000
– 25 % for a sales price from € 3,001 to € 5,000
– 15 % from a sales price of € 5,001
To start the selling process, please fill out the form and provide us with just a few details about your handbag or accessories. Based on this information, we can make you a non-binding offer for the purchase or sale on commission. If you are satisfied with our offer, you can sell your handbag or accessory directly to us or on consignment. We offer fast and uncomplicated processing and guarantee fast payment.